Saturday, June 18, 2011

Just a blue star hangin out in space

My childhood friend Sara is in town this weekend. Last night was spent over ceviche and margaritas, talking about life and God and psychology (she's getting her masters in art therapy). Today we're going on a vision quest to find our totem animal. I'm not totally sure what that means. Basically we're going to a swimming hole and then we're going to drive around some small Texas towns and try to fill ourselves with the charm of the Wild West before she heads back to Virginia.

A little over a year ago we went on a vision quest through West Texas. I found Fleetwood Mac's "Bare Trees" album at cool record shop in Ft. Davis Texas, and we meandered through the Davis Mountains with the disc blaring. We found turquoise jewelry and beautiful stones, saw a bear at the Big Bend, had a tarantula riding in our car with us for a couple of days (it hopped in at Big Bend and reappeared on the dashboard a couple of days later), slept in a tent in Marfa, found a hippie colony in Marathon...

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