It's good to be back, close to my family, taking spontaneous road trips, eating avocados everyday, sitting on back porches and balconies, hugging my brothers, and driving home to sunsets over Town Lake. I've been struck by the verdant beauty of Austin. I love seeing people paddle boarding at dusk, with a backdrop of vibrant fuchsia and kelly green trees. I love the old power plant and the train lines that cross the lake. I'm trying to be grateful at all times in everything, present and aware of my blessings here.
But I am, admittedly, a culture whore as my friend Kirsten dubbed it. I miss the foreign, the weird, the uncomfortable, the ancient, the traditional, foreign languages, the architecture, the sea...
A vague plan is stirring in my head - save my money this year and take a trip to Turkey again, maybe visit Beirut.
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