"Where in another ten years, shall I be, myself? Certainly not here. How many seas and frontiers shall I have to cross to reach that distant day; how far shall I have to travel, on foot, on horseback, bar car, push-bike, aeroplane, steamer, train lift, moving-staircase, and tram? How much money shall I need for that enormous journey? How much food must I gradually, wearily consume on my way? How many pairs of shoes shall I wear out? How many thousands of cigarettes shall I smoke? How many cups of tea shall I drink and how many glasses of beer? What an awful tasteless prospect! And yet to have to die..."
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Vagabondage of sorts
"Where in another ten years, shall I be, myself? Certainly not here. How many seas and frontiers shall I have to cross to reach that distant day; how far shall I have to travel, on foot, on horseback, bar car, push-bike, aeroplane, steamer, train lift, moving-staircase, and tram? How much money shall I need for that enormous journey? How much food must I gradually, wearily consume on my way? How many pairs of shoes shall I wear out? How many thousands of cigarettes shall I smoke? How many cups of tea shall I drink and how many glasses of beer? What an awful tasteless prospect! And yet to have to die..."
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Ahhh yes...the last great adventure. Makes everything here seem less than adventurous.
"I have set eternity in their hearts"
I love you, on the edge of my seat to see where 10 years from now will find you. Xoxo
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