We decided so save the dates for... DATE NIGHT. On the beach, with headscarves and sunglasses. Even the suddenly cool fall evening breezes couldn't keep us from our gyspy rendezvous.
The Pea:
'N Me:
I wear a Zara top, Topshop shorts, a Plein Sud sweater, and vintage bangles, headscarf, sunglasses and necklace.
If I were a paparazzo, I'd totally take your picture and try to sell it to US Weekly cause you look famous
Girly, EVERYTIME I message you on Skype you're NOT THERE!!! I can't believe you're moving to PARIS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOO Excited for you! It's definitely your city, you fabulous thing, you!
OKAY... So I found your email address and will be writing you shortly!
Y'all are very bohemian. I totally love it.
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