Yesterday Bethany and I drove out to Canyon Lake. It's a limestone lake, so it's uber clean and the water is basically like a glowing turquoise gemstone. On the drive out we passed all of these funny little saloons and restaurants and what not. Apparently Girl Talk is DJing on June 29 at one of these random bar/restaurants in Canyon Lake?
Anyway, I made a summer mixtape and we rolled the windows down, turned the volume up and watched Texas landscapes zip by. Sometimes I feel like a dog because I love nothing more than sitting in the front seat with my window down.
My summer favorites:
"In the Flowers" by Animal Collective. This is my back-to-Texas jam.
"Mister Heavenly" and "Pineapple Girl" by Mister Heavenly.
"Kamphopo" by The Very Best. Esau Mwamwaya layered African tunes over Architecture in Helsinki's "Heart It Races".
"Azmari Dub" by
Dub Colossus. It's an Ethiopian track, with vocalist Sintayehu Zenebe. It opens with these crazy horns and Zenebe is just incredible. I love it!!!!

This is a semi-horrible photo that really doesn't do Canyon Lake justice, but... I tried.