Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sea Talk

I strip away the distractions and it all hits at once.

Mind is a razorblade

New York
The Bean
Thai food
All Saints
Coney Island
Sleep until 1
Steamy Streets
The East Village
Tears on the street
Then laughing all over

Friday, July 30, 2010

Never have I been a blue calm sea

23, it was a strange year for me. For the better part of it, I thought that I was backtracking, losing, lost and floating. It wasn't until I decided to let go that I found the things that I had been searching for. It was, in hindsight, an important year and well worth the times of discomfort. I made new and amazing friends, people who I know will be in my life forever. I fell in love for the first time, a huge leap and lesson in and of itself. I got my first writing job (and hopefully not my last). I worked at jobs that I didn't want to be at, probably went out a little too much, got busy and got bored and reached the end of myself . And in and through all of those experiences I finally found a new beginning.

In two weeks I'll be in Tunisia, working for a non-profit and teaching English. I hope that a great African Odyssey awaits me.